The final P-REACT project review meeting took place last week in Athens. The consortium met on June 8th to prepare the test set and rehears the demo and presentations that were going to be used during the final project review meeting.
On June 9th the reviewers and the project officer joined us. That day, after a brief introduction, the most important session was the live demonstration of the P-REACT solution. This demonstration lasted around two hours and during it most of the use cases and scenarios that were developed during the project and demonstrated in the final public trials that took place earlier this year were also presented to the reviewers and the project officer. True positive, as well as, false positive simulations were performed by actors (members of the consortium). On June 10th the Consortium presented in detail all the work done during the project (focusing on the work carried out during the second period). The general impression and the feedback the Consortium got from the reviewers was quite positive.
The research project is about to finish, but the work ahead of us is still important. The Consortium intends on giving a continuation to the project by preparing and running at least 1 pilot with a potential customer in a real operational environment.
H.E. Luccock once said: “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it”. This quote is always true when it comes to collaboration projects such as the P-REACT project. But making that symphony sound better or worse is up to the will and commitment of the team. In the P-REACT project the capacity of the Consortium members is of no doubt. And with regard to the willingness of the team, from the beginning of the project there has been a true spirit of teamwork and a fluid and fruitful cooperation among all partners. The quality of the results of the project and the positive feedback received from multiple stakeholders could have only been achieved because the Consortium, smoothly and naturally, found its own groove…