
Conference Proceedings

  • Elisavet Charalambous, Nectarios Efstathiou, Nikolaos Koutras, (2015) A cost effective solution for audio surveillance using embedded devices as part of a cloud infrastructure, Submitted to the International Conference “Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering” (BdKCSE’2015)
  • L. Mitrou, P. Drogkaris, G. Leventakis, Legal and Social Aspects of Surveillance Technologies: CCTV in Greece, International Conference on Citizens’ Perspectives on Surveillance, Security and Privacy: Controversies, Alternatives and Solutions, pp. 39-41, November 2014, Vienna, Austria (PDF)
  • M. Nieto, P. Leskovsky, and J. D. Ortega, “Person detection, tracking and masking for automated annotation of large CCTV datasets,” in Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence, LNCS 8867, pp. 519-522, 2014. (PDF)


  • P-REACT Project Presentation in 6th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-15), July 2015, Queen Mary University, London, UK. (PDF)

Book Chapters

Coming soon


  • Arraiza Juan, Aginako Naiara, Kioumourtzis Georgios, Leventakis George, Stavropoulos Georgios,Tzovaras Dimitrios, Zotos Nikolaos, Sideris Anargyros, Charalambous Elisavet, Koutras Nikolaos, Fighting Volume Crime: an Intelligent, Scalable, and Low Cost Approach, 9th Summer Safety & Reliability Seminars, SSARS 2015, June 21 – 27, 2015, Gdansk/Sopot, Poland (PDF)