

Kick-off meeting

On April 1st and 2nd P-REACT FP7 project Kick-off meeting (KOM) was held in the headquarters of Vicomtech-IK4 in Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain) from April 1st to April 2nd, 2014. The KOM focused in review of project scope and goals, team building and detailed planning for the first three months.

After two days of hard working during the day and some time to visit the city in the evening the P-REACT team that met in Donostia / San Sebastian finished the meeting with good feelings. Two days after the project officially started all team members to have a clear view of what was the detailed plan for the following three months, who has in charge of what, etc. Besides, the group worked very well together, almost as if it had been a team for a long time. For a 24 months duration project a good start is very important, even more if we take into account that summer time is around the corner. The team understood that a succesfull KOM and being able to meet the specific goals that the team agreed in the KOM for the April – June period are of the utmost importance.

In addition, on April 2nd a first meeting between P-REACT team and SmartPrevent Project Coordinator took place. SmartPrevent is another FP7 project on the same topic as P-REACT. During this first contact both projects were presented, some possible collaboration areas were identified, and regular meetings between both projects’ Coordinators.

P-React-Team P-React-Meeting