Petty Crimes (also known as Volume Crime) take place on a daily basis affecting citizens, local communities, business owners and infrastructure owners. Petty Crime incidents such as theft, criminal damage and anti-social behaviour are on the rise in Europe due to the economic crisis and in turn incidents adversely impact the local socioeconomic environment.
The term Volume Crime is often used so as to denote the significant impact on the community and the ability of the police to tackle it through it sheer volume or frequency. Under this definition, the term volume crime does not infer that crimes that fall under this classification have no impact, contrarily once amalgamated their impact is significant on the community and therefore of great importance.
The project will explore ‘economic cost’ and ‘social’ costs of petty crimes encompassing both the financial impacts but also other consequential impacts such as trauma, physical injury, fear and other impacts on society that cannot be expressed in financial terms.
The P-REACT project will focus on impact of petty crime on citizens, business owners, infrastructure owners and security and law enforcement personnel. The research will seek to develop a solution based around the needs and concerns of these key identified users in an urban environment. There will be a focus on commercial retail and transportation domains where the community typically interconnects.
It is expected that the following benefits will be obtained by the results of the project: