Our sister project SmartPrevent will celebrate its final project dissemination event next April 26th. We will attend the event and we will make a short presentation of the P-REACT project results. Find below the press release they have distributed regarding this event. The SmartPrevent consortium is pleased to announce the Final Seminar of project that […]
The final P-REACT trial was conducted in Bologna on 31st of March. Three different use cases were successfully tested in a restricted area within a bus depot, to check and demonstrate the effectiveness of the P-REACT platform in detecting and managing typical anti-social behaviours and petty crimes in public transport field. People fighting at the […]
The P-REACT Project was presented during the 4ο Security Project 2016 Workshop (http://www.securityproject.gr/) that took place in Athens on 18 and 19 of March 2016. Dr. Georgios Kioumourtzis was an invited speaker and presented the key concepts of P-REACT along with the results of the Field Trial in Athens.