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Successful final P-REACT project review meeting, Athens, Greece – 9th and 10th of June 2016

June 15th, 2016

The final P-REACT project review meeting took place last week in Athens. The consortium met on June 8th to prepare the test set and rehears the demo and presentations that were going to be used during the final project review meeting. On June 9th the reviewers and the project officer joined us. That day, after […]

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no [607881].

What is P-REACT?

Petty Crimes (also known as Volume Crime) take place on a daily basis affecting citizens, local communities, business owners and infrastructure owners. Petty Crime incidents such as theft, criminal damage and anti-social behaviour are on the rise in Europe due to the economic crisis and in turn incidents adversely impact the local socioeconomic environment. 

The P-REACT project will design and develop a low cost surveillance platform that will detect Petty Crime incidents. The solution will encompass intelligent video and audio sensors to detect petty crime incidents, a cloud based monitoring, alert detection and storage platform. Technology trends in computer vision, motion detection, video retrieval, semantic video analysis and cloud technology will be exploited. 

The solution will focus on connecting citizens, business owners, infrastructure owners and security and law enforcement personnel so that Petty Crime incidents can be effectively dealt with and prevented in the future.

The project will ensure that legal, ethical and end user needs are properly balanced and addressed ensuring a 'Privacy-by-design' solution approach.

Interview to the Coordinator (video)
Description of the P-REACT solution and its test cases (video)

Learn more

Project Details

Start date: 2014-04-01
End date: 2016-03-31
Duration: 24 months
Reference: GA no 607881
Budget: 1,893,606.00 €
Funding: 1,489,396 €
Call: FP7-SEC-2013
Contact: contact@p-react.eu